domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009




a) General Information (name, age, carrear)
b) Physical Appearance (Eyes, skin, hair, hands)
c) State Thesis (Likes, dislikes, life experiences, plans for the future)
II.- Body developmental paragraph 1
a) Likes
b) Dislikes

II.- Body developmental paragraph 2
a) The meaning of the life experiences
b) To live away from my Dad
c) The day I got married

IV.- Body developemental paragraph 3
a) Plans for the future in general
b) To work, to buy a house and to travel
c) How?

a) Restate Thesis (Likes, dislikes, life experiences, plans for the future)
b) Opinions
c) Final Statement

There are different types of people in the world, but I think that you have never met someone like me, have you? My name is Veronica Díaz López, I am 20 years old and I was born in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, but now I am living in Aguascalientes. I am married and I am studying English Language Teaching at the “Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes” and I wish to be an excellent Teacher. Talking about physical appearence, I am a little girl because my height is around 1.56 meters, I am thin and I have brown eyes and brunette, short hair and big hands. It is important to say that I have different likes and dislikes, life experiences, and plans for the future which are part of my wonderful life.
As I said, there are some things that I love and I hate, but first I will talk about the likes and then dislikes. I like to go to Tamaulipas on vacation because all my family gets together in my grandmother´s house and we do several activities which are fun. Moreover, I enjoy to be with my husband because we like to do similar things such as dancing, watching movies, listening to music, among others. There are not many things that I hate, but one thing, that I cannot stand, is stuck up people because they think that money is very important and they discriminate poor people. I dislike other things, but they are related to food, for example: onion, raw milk, guava, etcetera because since I was a baby, I did not eat them. Those are the main likes and dislikes that I have.
Life experiences are meaningful for me because I have been learning through them. To be with my family is very important because my parents give me advices and help me when I need something, that’s why I appreciate the union with my family. One important life experience is when my dad went to USA because we had a problem and I missed him a lot because of the distance and I have never lived away from him and it helped me to mature and to face difficult situations in my life. Another life experience, which is wonderful, is when I decided to live together with my husband because my parents did not give me the chance to be his girlfriend. It was on June 19th, 2007 and we went to Guanajuato where we knew different places like museums, "El callejón del Beso", etc.
I have in mind many things that I would like to do in the future and I will strugle to have what I want. The first thing is to finish my B.A. because I need to work to have money and then start with the following plans. When I start working, my husband will be working too and we will build a big house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 livingroom, 1 kitchen, and 1 yard with a lot of trees and flowers. The next thing is to travel to different places of the world such as USA, Venice, England, etcetera. If I do not get enough money by working as a Teacher, I will have to work hard and to make different business to get my dreams come true.
As I said before, to know a person requires to know general information, likes , dislikes, life experiences and maybe plans for the future because if you do not know all those, you cannot say that you know a person very well. Those characteristics are very important for me and the person who is my friend know more things about me because I consider that my friends are my second family in the world and they have to know how I am. I shared with you a little parts of my life, and they are the most meaninful things that happened to me, so I hope you keep a secret. Good friends do that, so later you can be my friend if you want and if you can share your experiences with me.



a)What does Electronic Literacy mean?
c)Thesis Stament

a)How I started using Electronic tools
b)Usefulness on my Education
a)Usefulness of Word Processors, e-mail and blogs.
b)How Electronic Tools have influenced/improved my L1/L2
a)My expectations and plans regarding Electronic Tools
a)The importance of Electronic Literacy
b)My opinion about it
c)Final Statement

Do you know what Electronic Literacy means? According to my previous knowledge, Electronic Literacy is to be able to read and write electronic texts; it is related to computers and that is something familiar for us. Many people around the world use computers as electronic tool to work, to research specific information, books, magazines, to meet people in different places (that is commonly made by the messenger), to write and to upload texts, etcetera. Nowadays, computers are necessary at schools, at work, at stores and they are also needed at home because you can find whatever you want and need. Electronic Literacy plays an important role in education and that is why I had to learn how to use computers and that knowledge has helped me too much.
The first time I used electronic tools was in secondary school when I had to search information about certain topics, to play in the computer, and to write texts or to create presentations. It is important to say that I learned by practicing and then in high school I learned more in computer classes because I ignored many things about electronic tools, for example about internet because I used to search in encyclopedias. When I noticed that the electronic tools were useful and had a lot of advantages in education, I started using them because some topics needed to go deeper than others and electronic tools offer more information. As a result, I could find specific information in an easy way, I learned to use different programs, and I could search faster than in books, so books were replaced by electronic tools. It is something that won't stop because it goes beyond what we think.
I have been using computers since five years and now I use word processors, e-mail, blogs, among others almost everyday when doing my homework, preparing classes or presentations, sharing information or sending and receiving messages with my classmates. Moreover, I use computers to improve my L2, for example, I have been practicing my Listening skills by watching videos, listening to music or answering exercises after listening to a conversation because I have problems on that. I search information on the internet about my L1 and L2 to compare them; in addition, I use the moodle platform which is to upload homework of different subjects of the B. A., so I am in contact with these electronic tools. For this reason, they have influenced/ improved my both languages because I search more and more information and this search allows me to increase my knowledge.
Because of the necessity of Electronic Tools, I have some expectations and plans for the future. First, I would like to use different electronic tools when teaching because students like to be in contact with computers and they can learn better because it can be meaningful for them. Second, I will use them to search good material, exercises and ways to teach because the classes need to be attractive and update because the world is changing over the time. Third, I will use blogs, e-mail, portfolios, etcetera in order to improve the skills of my students and to be exchanging information, homework, doubts, etcetera. It is a good way to control and to have fun in the class, because by sharing information and being interested in the students’ progress and success they will feel comfortable.
Electronic Literacy is very important because it is a new way to get information easily, to increase our knowledge and to go wherever we want. It is useful in education because I could find many ways to learn different things such as exercises, material and other information related to school. In my opinion, this is a very good opportunity that we have to get everything because I think that we have the world in our hands; I mean that we can learn a lot of things. Finally, I just want to say that Electronic Literacy will be part of my life because technology will be present in my classes.


a) Where is it?
b) When and why did I go there?
c) How is it?
d) Thesis Statement
a) What can you find? (Sight)
1) Nature
2) Waterfalls and Rivers
3) “Rodilla del Diablo”
a) What can you hear? (Hearing)
1) Waterfalls’ sound
2) The singing of the birds
3) The air around the trees
b) What can you smell? (Smell)
1) The smell of food
2) The smell of the green areas
a) What can you feel?
1) Waterfalls’ breeze
2) The clean and fresh air
3) Different emotions
a) Restate Thesis
b) Restate each Topic (Description of what you can see, hear, smell and feel while you are in the park)
c) My personal opinion about the park
d) Final statement
Have you ever heard about the amazing Uruapan Park? Mexico has different states where you can find wonderful things, but I love the Uruapan Park which is in Uruapan Michoacan. I went there on March 21st 2006 when I was in high school because my classmates, my tutor and I organized a trip to visit Michoacan and that park was the place I liked the most. It is a huge place which is full of nature and legends about some areas of the park. There are many reasons why you should visit the Uruapan Park, but if you cannot, you just have to imagine what you are going to read and you will be there.
The first reason is that since the moment you come into the park, you will see astonishing places. Imagine that you are walking in an enormous place and you see a lot of nature like gigantic trees and a lot of flowers and if you look at the sky, the sun’s rays are soft and they cannot damage your skin because the trees take care of you. Through the way, you will see wonderful waterfalls and little rivers which look like milk because the water is white and they are falling down from a big mountain. Moreover, you will observe small and big fountains with a lot of birds and it is the moment in which you think that the place has been touched by God because you never forget that image that is beautiful. At the end of the path, you will know the famous “Rodilla del Diablo” which is located in the “Cupatitzo” River, but most people call it, “El rio que canta” because some of the water flows there. The “Rodilla del Diablo” is like a hole in a stone because the legend says that the devil appeared there and one day he fell and he could not move his knee from the stone.
The second reason to visit the park is that you have to know the sound and smell of certain things because you will never do that in another place. The first thing you will hear is the sound of the waterfalls which is a melody for the ears because it gives you peace. Another thing is the singing of the birds that is like a sweet song that fills your soul of happiness; moreover, the air around the trees is like a echo of a symphony that transmits you energy and the movements of the leafs transport you to the paradise. Talking about odors, you will smell the tasty food that some people sell along the road and it is something special because in Michoacan people season the food in a different way. The smell of the green areas relaxes your body and changes your humor since you will start feeling different things on the road.
The last reason and the most important for me is what you can feel when you are in contact with something in the park. For example: while you are walking near the waterfalls, the breeze touches your face and you feel that God is around you and he is blessing you; in other words, you will think that you are in the heaven. The fresh and clean air runs from one place to another; through your noise you will breathe and fill your lungs of oxygen and it will make you feel good. You can also experiment different emotions while you are looking, hearing or smelling something. You will remember some past memories that can be good or bad, but what it is true is that this park has the power to change your feelings.
You have to visit the Uruapan Park because there are many things you can experiment there. You can observe many things such as nature, waterfalls and little rivers, and the famous “Rodilla del Diablo”; you can also hear different sound like the waterfalls’ sounds, the singing of the birds and the air and while you walk, you will smell the food and the odor of the green areas. Finally, you can feel the waterfalls’ breeze, the air and different emotions which are very important. In my opinion, this is a wonderful park because you are in a paradise. If you have the opportunity, you should go to visit the Uruapan Park.

a) What is Mass Media?
b) What are some kinds of Mass Media?
c) Thesis Statement
a) Print Media: Newspaper and Magazines.
1) Reusing Newspaper to recycle
2) Learning from Magazines
a) Television Media
1) Benefits of TV
2) Information and knowledge
3) Entertainment
a) Internet Media
1) Communication
2) Information and Entertainment
3) Services
a) Restate Thesis
b) Restate each Topic (Print, TV and Internet Media)
c) My personal Opinion
d) Final Thesis
Could you imagine how much Mass Media has influenced people over the years? First of all let me give you a definition, Mass Media refers to different sources by which people communicate or get something. There are some kinds of mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television, internet, radio, books, among others, but I will focus on the first four kinds. Many people think that mass media has brought many problems for people, but they do not think about the great influence that mass media has on people.
Talking about print media such as newspapers and magazines, Brassil (2209), who is agree with people against these, could say that they are just garbage that pollute our environment. On the other hand, I think that we can reuse newspaper and magazines to do homework cutting images or letters, they are also useful to clean some things at home, to cover notebooks and in that way we will be recycling. Opponents of using print media like Lad (2008) also claim that they spend a lot of time reading unimportant articles like gossips in magazines, but that is what they say because we can magazines like National Geographic which is very good because we learn from the readings. There are magazines for women and men and magazines of fashion that are also good because people learn more about themselves, body, how to dress, and they talk about problems that people can solve by reading that articles. Newspaper and magazines are very good sources to be updated and they are not bad for people on the contrary they are helpful to learn more and more.
Nowadays television is one of the most common mass media because everybody has at least one at home. Greep (2004) who is one of the people in contrast of TV’s benefits, information and entertainment might say that it is bad because it transmits violence through the programs, but they do not think about the benefits it has like the information transmitted in programs such as People and Arts, Home and Health, National Geographic Channel, among others where people increase their knowledge. Some people like Ashkuls (2009) claim that we just waste time and in that way obesity is growing up, however it is for people who just use TV to get fun and they do not have the purpose of learning something new. Of course people can get fun, but it has to be measured to avoid the dependence of watching TV because fun is part of our lives and we need to distract our minds doing something different, but we have to balance fun and knowledge. Television is a big source that we can use for different purposes and we can have many advantages of this.
Now it is time of Internet Media which has been useful in many ways. Even though the article of the University of Phoenix (2009) says that it is a terrible source because many people communicate and give personal information that bad people use to steal others and to kidnap children, adolescents and adults, I have the idea that this media is like a big world that we can manage and we have to be intelligent to use it, so we are responsible of the way we use the internet. It is known that we can get information and entertainment and we can know many things and the ones who can have problems are children that do not distinguish between good or bad, so parents has to be checking them to control every movement they do in the computer. The same article of the University of Phoenix (2009) declares that this media provides awful information such as pornography and it changes the mind of the people who watch those things and many of them turn into rapists. It is something that really exists, but we know that if internet media disappear, the world does not change and we know that rapists exist since many years ago. The internet offers many services and pornography is one of them, but what we have to do is avoid this kind of webpage and enjoy the ones that are very beneficial.
Mass Media has chanced our world in many ways and there are some people that think that it is not good because it means problems for them. Different kinds of mass media help people to increase knowledge, to get fun and information and some of them are newspapers, magazines, television, internet and others. They are sources that update ourselves and provide services, entertainment and information. I am in pro of mass media because it is the way we will be increasing our knowledge in an easy and funny way. Mass media has influenced many people and they have learnt many things that have been helpful through the development of our world that is why you should be in pro of this.

a) My happiest day
-When did it happen?
-What happened?
-Why was it my happiest day?
a) My saddest day
-When did it happen?
-What happened?
-Why was it my saddest day?
Each one of us has had good and bad moments in our lives that make us feel happy or sad. During my life I have had many happy days and some sad days and these have helped me to see this world in a different way and to learn new things each day. For example, life is not always a bed of roses because there will be excellent and awful things on my way. Because of that I have been getting the necessary experience to face any problem that arises to my life. In the following paragraphs I will share my happiest and saddest days since I consider that both have marked the way I live.
Firstly, I will talk about my happiest day since I think that I just like to remember those days. It was on June 22th 2009 when my husband and I decided to live together and we travel to the state of Guanajuato three days. We were two days in Leon Guanajuato, which is the capital of the city; the last day we visited Guanajuato City and I think it was the best day because we knew some beautiful places of the City. In the morning we took a guided tour bus which gave us a journey around the place; we visited “La Casa del Tio Chueco”, Museums, “Hacienda de la Inquisición”, among others. At the end of the day, we walked down on some streets of the city while we talked about future plans, we bought ice cream and after that we arrived to the “Callejón del Beso”. Someone told us the legend about the young couple that was in loved and died when they were kissing each other and the person asked my husband if we wanted to kiss in the third step of the stair and he could take a picture to remember that moment. We decided to have a memory of that and we have the picture and I love to see it because many memories come to my mind. That was my happiest day since I did not think about problems and I enjoyed each minute laughing, playing, kissing, etcetera. Moreover, I felt excited because that was the first time I had gone there and it was beautiful.
Secondly, I will share my saddest day. It happened on December 30th 2002 when I lost three members of my family; they drowned in the “Presa Marte R. Gomez” in Tamaulipas. Two of them were my uncles and the other one was my cousin. They went to fish in the afternoon and while they were far away from the border, a tornado started and the boat sank, so they died. My family and I had to wait a day to see them and their bodies were with us the next day at 8:00 pm, in that moment I had the worst time because I ran to the coffins and I saw their faces, that was horrible I cried and screamed a lot, they could hear me, I just wanted to see them alive. It was my saddest day and the reasons are obvious; I felt depressed like if life did not have sense because even though it was seven years ago, the house is empty and my family and I miss them. The sadness lives in a part of my heart.
Those two last paragraphs described my happiest and saddest days which are very important for me. To know Guanajuato City along with my husband was incredible because we had a good time and I will never forget it. Bad moments are also difficult to forget and if I remember that, I feel depressed again, that is why I try to think about the moments in which they were present and made jokes for me because I still love them and they are inside my heart. Each second of my life gives me a new experience and that makes me mature little by little; living in this world is not easy because I have had many obstacles on my way, but through the time I have learnt from them.

a) What can a song make you remember?
b) What can a song make you feel?
c) Thesis Statement
a) Things my father and I used to do in the past.
1) Playing different games
2) Going outside the town
3) Making jokes
a) Bad things that change our relationship
1) To have a relationship without permission
2) To be rebellious
3) To get married before having a profession
a) My new thought1) “I can’t be perfect” (Perfect_Simple Plan)
a) Restate Thesis Statement
b) Restate each topic
c) My personal opinion
d) Final Statement
Have you ever heard a song that talks about your life? It has happened to me when I listen to different songs, but there is one that makes me remember my whole life. That is why I think that a song can take you to different places or it can make you to remember a period of your life that you have already forgotten. It can be as beautiful as nature if you remember good things of life and it makes you feel happy; on the other hand when listening to a song can be as sad as a funeral because you can feel depressed, alone, unhappy, etcetera. There is a song named perfect by Simple Plan which means many things for me because I relate this song with my father. Many things come to my mind while listening to this song, for example, the things we used to do, bad actions that broke down our relationship and it provokes that I think in a different way.
When we are children, we used to see our fathers like heroes; they are the most important persons for us because if we have problems they are there to help us. My father and I used to do many things like playing games such us football, basketball, hide and seek, among others and we were as free as birds because we did whatever we want to be happy and to spend the time together. We went to the park, to visit museums, “El Cerro de la Bufa” and we got fun making jokes, imitating different characters of the cartoons, creating funny stories, etcetera. Wherever we were the purpose was to make the day wonderful because as Leonardo Da Vinci said “Life well spend is long”. But the things chance while the time goes on and as the song said “Nothing last forever”.
While I grew up our relationship was different because my father and I had problems and it affect us. He did not allow me to have a boyfriend and he told me this about him: “You can judge a man by the company he keeps”, but it did not matter to me and I began my relationship without permission. He always thought that I was the perfect girl, but after that he was as hard as rock and I was the black sheep because I was so rebellious and I did whatever I wanted. He did not understand me and he judged my boyfriend without knowing the way he thought and how much he loved me, that was why I decided to get married before having my profession. Because of that he changed the way he was although he is very jealous with my husband, but as people say: Time is great healer.
When I listened to that song, I change the way I was and I thought that like it says: I could never be perfect. So I decided to continue with my life and I promised to myself that one day I would like to be a good Teacher and that I would love my father as he loves me. Disney said that “All your dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them” and it is totally true because if we want to do something, we can achieve our objective. Nowadays, I love my father because he has demonstrated that he will be there to take care of me and he will help me when I have problems and the most important thing is that he accepted that I cannot be perfect.A song can make memories come to our minds, but I love a song that makes me remember good and bad things of my life. For example, when my father and I used to do different things to get fun such as playing, going out the town or making jokes.
A song can also make us remember bad things that happened in the past or the reasons why you changed your behavior, but the most important thing is to take the good actions and change the bad ones in order to be mature and see the things around you. I love this song and it makes me cry because when I close my eyes and I remember those things, I feel like if air goes over my body and it freshes my skin to make me feel better. I just one to finish this by saying that we should appreciate each day and live like if it is the last one of our lives.
Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time
Doing things I wanna do
But it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just wanna to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that I'm alright
And you can't change mecause we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero
All the days you spent with me
Now you seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just wanna make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright
cause we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again (right again)
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you
But you don't understand (you don't understand)
cause we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
cause we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

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